Friday, January 7, 2011

3 in 30 Challenge: Week 1

Checking in! For those that don't know, each month, you are to set 3 goals that you will complete throughout the month. This challenge is hosted by Ashley at AP Freewriting 101 and Meghan at The Tuckers Take Tennessee.

Here are my goals for January: 
  1. Have my quiet time before computer usage and chores each day.
  2. Spend 15 minutes each weekday getting our master bedroom in order.
  3. Drink 64 oz of water each day.
Well...I've been kind of a slacker with my goals this week! With one exception: on five out of seven days, I actually had my quiet time before I turned on the computer or anything. That has really been a good thing for me!  Too often I will get on the computer first, and then before I know it, everyone will be awake. 

Today, I actually started keeping track of my water intake. That goal is not that easy for me right now, because I haven't really been thirsty! I used to be really good about drinking enough water, but probably in the last six months or so, it's been difficult for some reason. I just haven't wanted to drink water. Hopefully this challenge will help get my body used to drinking enough water, and that way it will just be second nature for me. 

And, I'm sort of bummed to admit that I only spent one afternoon in our master bedroom this week getting it in order- but I actually spent closer to thirty minutes, and I was surprised at the progress I was able to make. I unpacked two big boxes (we just moved at the end of November) and started arranging some furniture.

Hopefully next week I'll be able to report that I've been more diligent in making progress toward reaching my goals for the month!

What about you? How are your goals for January coming along?


  1. Great job starting these!! I am doing the water thing too. It is very difficult for me to drink water for some crazy reason. Lifting a prayer for you.

  2. Wow! We have almost identical goals! So important, aren't they? You can do it with HIS help. =)

  3. Fantastic work on your goals. 64 oz of water sounds like a lofty goal. I remember when I was a Pepsi drinker that even one glass of water seemed impossible. I can drink 2 16oz bottles of water in a day and probably more in the summer months. I'm thirsty all the time so that might be what helps.
    Good luck this next week as you conquer the master bedroom and continued success in doing your quiet time before chores and the computer. [boy do I know about the computer first thing]

  4. I'm stopping by from 3 in 30 to say hi and see what you are doing. I think the quiet time is a great idea. I may decide to borrow that one.

  5. Hey there! Stopping by from 3 in 30... great goals for this month. I think the hardest part for anyone is the "getting started" part. It is so hard to drink enough water a day. I track my water intake using igoogle (my homepage)... they have an app that has glasses of water and each time you drink 8oz you click on one to empty it. It's a reminder every time I open the internet! Good Luck!

  6. I need to do the quiet time one too. And you're right time runs away and before I know it the house is no longer quiet b/c of people getting up. And then its time to start getting everyone ready and lunches made...and later in the day i'm wishing I had taken that time to pray or read His Word.
    And the water's on my list but it continues to be difficult. I just plain forget sometimes and 5 or 6 hrs will go by..and maybe its just me but it doesn't taste good its hard to drink something that has no taste...I doctored mine up w/ lemons and limes. But it's still water... make it taste like a snickers or reeces and i'll drink more than enough. Lol
    have a good weekend,
    {tara}@ undeservingrace

  7. I've found that having a glass of water sitting on my desk is a great way to get my water intake. I tend to drink it unconsciously, even if I'm not thirsty!
